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Fertility Acupuncture


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In the context of fertility, acupuncture is thought to be beneficial for both men and women.  For women it can help regulate menstrual cycles, improve ovarian function and enhance uterine lining thickness.  For men acupuncture may improve sperm quality, motility and overall reproductive health.

You're Trying Naturally

There is indeed something magical about the decision to try for a baby. The anticipation, the hope, and the shared excitement create a unique bond between partners. But the journey to conception involves more than just eggs, sperm, and wombs. It’s about nurturing your overall health, lifestyle, and mindset – both for you and your partner. And it’s about creating space in your life for the possibility of something truly wonderful.

Acupuncture, with its holistic approach, considers every aspect of your well-being. We examine your health, lifestyle and habits from all angles, making neccessary adjustments  to help you achieve the optimal state for conception. 

Ideally, you’ll prepare your body through diet, exercise, sleep, and overall well-being for up to three months before actively trying to conceive.

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In reality, life doesn’t always follow ideal timelines. Sometimes we’re unsure where to begin. That’s where we come in – offering guidance and support throughout your conception journey and beyond. We align with your natural cycle, nurturing your mind and body for pregnancy.

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Many individuals turn to acupuncture when their attempts to conceive have been unsuccessful. Often, they combine it with medical tests. If you’ve been trying for a year or more, we strongly recommend seeing your GP to initiate fertility investigations. At our clinic, we thoroughly assess your health, lifestyle, and fertility within the context of Chinese Medicine. Sometimes physical issues play a role, while other times emotional blocks hinder progress. Stress and life pressures can disrupt hormonal balance, and correcting this imbalance can lead to more effortless conception.

In Chinese Medicine, we recognise a profound connection between the heart and womb. Our goal is to support you on this journey, addressing both body and mind. You’re not alone, and together, we’ll navigate the path toward creating new life.

You've been trying for a while

The enchantment of attempting to conceive feels like a distant memory. Everywhere you turn, there are pregnant women, joyful pregnancy announcements, and newborns entering the world. You find yourself riding a monthly emotional roller-coaster, caught in an unending cycle of hope and disappointment. Seeing a negative result on a pregnancy test feels like a tiny, icy splinter in your heart, and summoning the strength to keep going requires immense effort. But take heart – you’re not alone.

Many women experience a prolonged journey to conception. Consider a fictional couple: both 23 years old, in good health, and having frequent intercourse. Surprisingly, it takes them a full year to achieve pregnancy. Compared to other animals, human fertility is relatively low, and it can take months (sometimes many months) of trying before success. While this frustration and emotional drain are not abnormal, they can be incredibly challenging.

The Reality of Timing

We’ve all heard stories of couples who conceive effortlessly on their first try (this happens in about a third of people). However, the reality is that achieving pregnancy can take up to a year – and if you’re over 35, up to 2 years.

You need IVF

Starting the journey to parenthood often comes with unexpected twists. Few anticipate that medical assistance may be necessary to achieve their dream of having a child. Fortunately, modern technologies offer hope, even if the path diverges from our initial expectations.

IVF and other reproductive technologies, once an unlikely prospect, have become a lifeline for many aspiring parents. The beauty lies in the end result: when you hold your baby, the steps taken to reach this moment become irrelevant. 


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Scientist on Tablet

Acupuncture’s Role in IVF

Over 15 years ago, a ground-breaking study revealed increased pregnancy rates when acupuncture was combined with IVF. Since then, this finding has been consistently replicated. Notably, research from the Homerton Hospital NHS Trust demonstrated a remarkable 50% increase in pregnancy rates for the IVF plus acupuncture group compared to acupuncture alone.  

Emotional support

As women undergo IVF cycles, acupuncture provides vital support. Beyond the three months' hormonal preparation, it eases emotional highs and lows. For many, acupuncture becomes a safe harbour during the sometimes turbulent seas of fertility treatment.


Remember, you’re not alone on this journey. Whether you’re navigating IVF or seeking emotional balance, acupuncture is here to support you.

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